February 23, 2022
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Have you ever wondered what trees really are?

Hi PaoshiLovers,
We have all grown up surrounded by trees, or at least having easy access to them in parks and squares. But have you ever wondered what trees really are?
Well, trees are living beings that are part of the Plantae Kingdom or Plant Kingdom, and have a very important function in supporting life on the planet.
Trees are the main producers of oxygen (O²), an essential gas for the life of most of the species that inhabit the planet, and in exchange they absorb carbon dioxide (CO²), the main component of the gases that produce the greenhouse effect, which is generating a negative impact on the planet causing devastating climate changes.
This wonderful process is carried out through photosynthesis, which is the main method of nutrition for all those organisms endowed with chlorophyll. Through photosynthesis they use the energy of sunlight to convert inorganic substances, carbon dioxide (CO²) and water (H²O), into organic substances (carbohydrates), releasing oxygen.
Photosynthesis is one of the most important biochemical mechanisms on the planet since through it organic nutrients are manufactured that store the light energy of the sun in different useful molecules (carbohydrates).
However, the current deforestation is directly affecting this process as it causes carbon absorption to decrease, which increases the emission of greenhouse gases, which warms the atmosphere and generates extreme and devastating climate changes.
This imbalance is being generated by the value of the useful resources for the life of the human being that the trees provide. Different types of materials are obtained from each part of the tree. Logs provide wood, cellulose, resin, and even ink. The roots are used for pharmaceutical purposes due to obtaining oils and, thanks to the emulsion, make positive infusions for health. The fruits serve us as food.
Even the leaves of different tree species are used to prepare infusions that help prevent and combat ailments such as anxiety, sleep disorders, body aches and infections, among other conditions.
Because of this and also because of the importance that trees represent for the life of the planet and the species that inhabit it, every day more countries are developing reforestation policies and carrying them out.
In this way they contribute to the preservation of the planet and the life it supports.
Among the countries that are most committed to this work, India is in the first place, which has been making notorious efforts for years. In 2016 it planted 49.3 million trees in Uttar Pradesh and in 2017 it planted 66 million trees in 12 hours in the territory of the state of Madhya Pradesh, with the help of more than 1,500,000 volunteers. In the Kerala and Maharashtra sectors, 10 and 40 million trees were planted respectively.
These massive plantings are part of a government project called Green Legacy, whose main focus is to combat the environmental degradation suffered by the country, bringing great benefits, since air pollution is the cause of a high rate of deaths from respiratory diseases.
In second place is Ethiopia whose authorities in fact, in 2019, declared having set a new world record by planting 350 million trees in just 12 hours in more than 1,000 areas of the country.
The methods implemented by the government to allow the advance of reforestation in recent decades have been: direct planting, grazing restriction and erosion control.
Information has been made public showing that the Ethiopian government plans to reforest 15 million hectares before 2030.
China, whose population density has led the government to develop forest reforestation actions, ranks third.
Its Great Green Wall project, promoted in 1978, seeks to combat the existing desertification in the Gobi and achieve its objectives before 2050.
As for the American continent, Mexico follows these 3 large ones with a high volume of tree planting, ranking fourth worldwide.
According to government statistics, in the last 8 years, 63,840 hectares have been planted under the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
As part of its efforts to reforest and help trees survive in semi-arid and arid environments, Mexico developed the Coocon System, which consists of a biodegradable cardboard cylinder that serves as a germinator, increasing the chances of survival of each tree by 72%. copy.
Australia follows in fifth place, with its Urban Forest strategy proposed between 2012 and 2032, which proposes increasing the floral mass by 40%.
So far, 12,000 trees have been planted in 4 years.
Brazil, which is fighting to replenish the Amazon rainforest, is in sixth place. Between 2004 and 2012 the national deforestation rate decreased by 80%.
In 2018, it reached the record of 25 million new protected hectares.
The United States, for its part, is using commercial reforestation to recover forests. From 1620 to 1920 a total of 90% of the virgin forests in 48 states were lost.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reported an increase in reforestation by 37%.
This world power occupies the seventh place in the list of the countries with the greatest achievements in reforestation.
In 2018, Canada moved up to eighth place, after dealing with 21% deforestation. The newest resource of that country in its reforestation days includes foreign labor.
By 2030, Russia’s forest area could increase by 1.5%, which places it in ninth place.
The largest reforestation efforts are currently focused on Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Leningrad.
The Jewish National Fund of Israel, which has been dedicated to maintaining green areas since 1901, estimates that a total of 250 million trees have been planted to date.
Although the Israeli territory must face important factors such as war and fires, studies estimate that its tree population has increased in the last 100 years, thus occupying the tenth place among the countries with the greatest interest in reforestation.
Although there is talk of millions of trees planted worldwide, it must be taken into account that their growth period is long. Depending on the species, some grow a few centimeters more than others, but in general the growth periods are annual.
Hence the stories told by the rings that we can observe in the trunks of trees when they are cut. The greater the presence of rings, the older the tree. These rings not only speak of the age of the specimen but also of the quality of life it has had, since the development of the cells and tissues of the trees is affected by the seasons of the year.
If the rings are thick and well marked, it means that the tree has received good nutrition, water and sunlight. If, on the other hand, the rings are thin and poorly defined, the tree has not received the necessary nutrients for optimal development.
Likewise, the color of the rings speaks about the season of the year in which most cells and tissues developed. Spring and summer correspond to lighter colored rings, autumn and winter correspond to darker colored rings.
Similarly, through the study of their rings, trees can tell a lot about their experiences on the planet during their lives. They are not only necessary to sustain life on the planet, they are also witnesses to its evolution and through the information they can express, the human being can know in what period there was drought, or floods, or significant snowfall.
In other words, the respectful study of trees helps to learn about important environmental events of the past, see their consequences and contribute to the development of preparedness plans in case they can be repeated.
Therefore, the reforestation of the planet is essential to provide a future for the new generations of inhabitants and it is an action that takes time, decades, centuries.
That is why it is so important to control the indiscriminate logging and burning carried out by dozens of companies worldwide for industrial purposes in order to meet the demand for the products they sell and which, for the most part, are not essential for life.
While trees are essential beings for the planet and ecosystems, providing shelter and food for countless animal species that are facing extinction due to the disappearance of their natural habitats.
For this and many other reasons, Paoshi makes an effort to choose eco-sustainable raw materials for the development of its products, such as bamboo, the fastest growing plant on the planet with a growth rate of 1.2 meters per day. A strength greater than that of steel and whose roots reduce soil erosion by more than 75%.
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